【網頁設計-曉明社會福利基金會】改善年長者的線上學習體驗 - 網站設計 | 樂岑設計 Le-Cen Brand Design

Website 網頁設計-曉明社會福利基金會



Improve online learning experience of elders

案例說明: 簡介 / 挑戰 / 解決方案




這次網站設計專案面臨的挑戰主要在於大陸地區傳統的 Youtube 影片有可能無法讀取瀏覽的問題及解決老年人因不常接觸電腦而產生的操作及閱讀問題。


為了克服這次網站設計案件可能發生的大陸地區瀏覽問題,經評估後採用雲端存取技術取代傳統網站設計用 Youtube 播放,而老年人的使用操作問題則依靠執行前的習慣調查與 UX 規劃,加上文字可調整大小的功能,讓使用者在閱讀與操作上的體驗都大幅度的改善。

Elders are not familiar with internet, unlike young people. Therefore, the web design should base on intuition and also cares about the size of the texts are easy to be read. Moreover, in order to serve the elders in China, we use cloud storage tech to take the place of YouTube clips to have better browsing experience.

Brand / 甘丹數位學院
Service / Website
Art Direction / Wen-Yuan Yao
Designer / Wen-Yuan Yao
Front-End Developer / Hui-Jung Liu, Xing cheng, Zhong
Back-End Developer / Hui-Jung Liu, Zen-Wen Hsiao
Marketing Research / Sheng-Chen Wu


In GanDan case, Le-Cen Brand Design had faced many difficulties and challenges, such as providing services for users in China, understanding the browsing habits of elders, the gentle present of the web requested by the foundation, etc. The entire designing process was not easy and smooth all the time, but it is worth it after receiving positive feedback both from our clients and the users.

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