Website 網頁設計-台灣迪卡儂
Solving the complicated sorting problems by new functions〝search〞 and〝filter〞
Website 網頁設計-曉明社會福利基金會
Improve online learning experience of elders
Identity / Package 產品包裝-PAYEASY
Payeasy 吳依霖老師聯名美髮產品系列包裝設計
Use trade-offs for Cost–Performance ratio
Website 網頁設計-鄧志浩 老師
Integrating the concept of leaving blank space in an artwork into web design.
Website 網頁設計-錦泰隆
日本 PA 指甲油台灣官方網站設計
In mobile era, website must be optimized for mobile devices.
Website 網頁設計-大元廣告行銷
Big Data Era, digitization is a must.
Identity / Package / Graphic CIS 設計/包裝設計-旺艾科技
want i 品牌設計規劃
Advance with the times, strengthen visual communication
Identity / Package Logo設計/產品包裝-利市茶葉